Who are we?

I.E.S-FEMMES in a few words

The Association for the Economic and Social Integration of Women in Development (I.E.S-WOMENS), is a non-profit association, of a secular and apolitical nature, created by single mothers and officially recognized in 2005 according to law 10/ ADP/1992. Last renewal under receipt No. 00000317601/MATD of January 24, 2018 following law 064/CNT/2015 of October 20, 2015 on freedom of association in Burkina Faso.

It brings together women from modest backgrounds, sympathizers. All convinced that they can, beyond discriminatory considerations and prejudices linked to sex, play a major role in society thanks to greater involvement and better sharing of knowledge through education and training. Convinced also that the fight for their emancipation and the defense of their rights constitute a fair retribution with regard to the principle of equity and justice, essential pillars of our civilization.

Our specific objectives

I.E.S-FEMMES is resolutely committed to achieving several crucial objectives for promoting the well-being of women in Burkina Faso

Promoting Women's Rights in Health and Development

I.E.S-FEMMES is committed to defending and promoting the fundamental rights of women in matters of health and development. This includes access to quality health services and the creation of opportunities favorable to their development.

Contribute to the Affirmation of Women's Leadership in the Development Process

We firmly believe that women have a crucial role to play in the development of society. Thus, I.E.S-FEMMES works to strengthen female leadership, promoting their active participation in all spheres of social and economic life.

Contribute to Improving the Care of Women Infected and Affected by HIV and Their Children

I.E.S-FEMMES is involved in programs and initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life of women affected by HIV, as well as their children. We work to raise awareness, access to care and ongoing support.

Promoting Environmental Protection in Urban and Rural Areas

As guardians of our planet, I.E.S-FEMMES is committed to promoting environmental protection. We support projects aimed at creating sustainable communities that are aware of their ecological impact, both in urban and rural areas.

Our team

Discover the Faces of the Administration of I.E.S-FEMMES




Secretary General



Treasurer General