Vision - Mission - Value

Our Vision

Our vision is bold: a world where women and men not only participate, but thrive fully in development, free from any discriminatory constraints.

Imagine a world where every voice is heard, every talent is valued, and every human being contributes to collective wealth without any limits imposed by gender. This is the world we visualize, where equality is not just a goal, but a daily reality.

Join us in this exciting quest for a future without borders, where diversity is celebrated, every individual can shine, and injustice is replaced by justice. Together, we are creating a future where everyone, regardless of gender, can leave a meaningful mark on development history.

Our Mission

The mission of I.E.S-FEMMES is simple, but profoundly powerful: we are determined to improve the economic, social and health living conditions of women and children. Every day we wake up with the unwavering belief that we can, and we must, make a difference.

We are the architects of hope, the makers of change, working tirelessly to shape a future where every woman can realize her full potential, where every child can grow up in a healthy and supportive environment.

Join us on this exciting adventure. Together, we transform lives, we write success stories and we build a world where equality and dignity are the foundations of every society.

Together we are stronger. Together we make a difference. Together we are creating a better future for all.

Our Values

At I.E.S-FEMMES, our values are not just words, they are commitments engraved in the soul of our action. Each of our initiatives is woven with the threads of dignity, responsibility, equality, equity, inclusion, non-discrimination, secularism, partnership, apolitical, and impartiality.

Dignity guides our steps, responsibility defines our path, and equality lights our flame. We are an inclusive community, refusing all forms of discrimination, believing in the power of strong partnership and acting with political neutrality and total impartiality.

Join us on this adventure where our values are not just principles, but driving forces that propel change. Together, let’s honor dignity, embrace diversity, and build a world where every individual can flourish, free and equal. Our values are the beating heart of our action, and with you, they become an unstoppable force.